7 Tips for Taking the Perfect Selfie on Your Travels

Cambodia is a country rich in culture and customs, and it is often the people and their traditions that capture visitors’ hearts. It pays well to learn a little about these ahead of your holiday to make the most out of your time in the Kingdom of Wonder. Here are 11 things you should know about Cambodian culture.

Cambodians are resilient

Faced with any challenge, Cambodians have the innate ability to pick themselves up, dust down and carry on. Evidence of this can be seen in the country’s recent tragic history with the Khmer Rouge. While the horrors will certainly never be forgotten, and scars will be carried for generations, the country has quickly rebuilt itself back up from the war and has paved a promising path ahead.

Cambodians are resilient

Faced with any challenge, Cambodians have the innate ability to pick themselves up, dust down and carry on. Evidence of this can be seen in the country’s recent tragic history with the Khmer Rouge. While the horrors will certainly never be forgotten, and scars will be carried for generations, the country has quickly rebuilt itself back up from the war and has paved a promising path ahead.

Cambodians are resilient

Faced with any challenge, Cambodians have the innate ability to pick themselves up, dust down and carry on. Evidence of this can be seen in the country’s recent tragic history with the Khmer Rouge. While the horrors will certainly never be forgotten, and scars will be carried for generations, the country has quickly rebuilt itself back up from the war and has paved a promising path ahead.


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